Aldo Bakker Exhibition

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この度リヒトギャラリーでは、オランダのデザイナーAldo Bakker(アルド・バッカー)によるプロダクトの企画展を開催いたします。彼の得意とするカラフェやグラスなどを中心に、スツールやサイドテーブルなど、スタジオベースの限定品も含めたプロダクツをご購入いただける機会となります。ぜひご高覧下さい。


Aldo Bakker(アルドバッカー)は1971年オランダ出身のアーティスト。ジュエリーデザイナーのエイミー・ファン・リールサムとデザイン集団Droogの設立者の一人でもあるハイス・バッカーを両親に持つ。ジュエリー職人としてキャリアをスタートさせるが、その陰で自身の作品を地道に作り続け、Thomas Eyckからは陶器のテーブルウェアと銅を使ったCopper Collection、Particle GalleryからはUrushi Stoolで国際的に高い評価を得る。一点物のスタジオ作品に加え、企業とのコラボレーションはLobmeyr, Thomas Eyck, J. Hill Standard, Karakter, Puiforcat, Georg Jensen, Swarovskiなど。作品は、Carpenters Work Shop Gallery を筆頭にして、MoMa(ニューヨーク)、ポンピドゥー・センター(パリ)、ステデリック・ミュージアム・アムステルダム、ヴィクトリア&アルバート・ミュージアム(ロンドン)などの美術館に収蔵されている。

会期:2023年5月6日(土)- 5月21日(日) 13:00-18:00 火・水定休
会場 : LICHT 東京都目黒区青葉台3-18-10 2F


Aldo Bakker Exhibition

Licht Gallery is pleased to present an exhibition and sale of products by Dutch designer artist Aldo Bakker. This is a rare opportunity to view and purchase his objetcs/products, including his specialty carafes and glasses, as well as stools and side tables, some of which are limited editions of his studio-based products. We hope you will take this opportunity to visit the exhibition.

Aldo Bakker has created many sculptural products with organic lines that look like living creatures. He is internationally acclaimed for his originality in presenting everyday objects such as jugs and stools as enigmatic forms that break free from the stereotypes people have about them, and for the beauty of his output, which harmonizes colors and textures. Nowadays, with the Internet connecting us to all kinds of information, it seems as if even our experiences have become standardized. Touching his objects is not only a visual pleasure, but also a reminder that the world we perceive is unique to each of us.

< About Aldo Bakker > Aldo Bakker (1971) is a Dutch artist and son of Emmy van Leersum and Gijs Bakker (Co-founder of Droog design). Aldo Bakker began his career as a jewelry maker, in the background Bakker worked steadily on his own body of work. International recognition came with Porcelain Tableware, the Copper Collection for Thomas Eyck and with Urushi Stool for Particles. Everyday objects in addition to one-of-a-kind studio pieces,. He collaborates with companies such as; Lobmeyr, Thomas Eyck, J. Hill's Standard, Karakter, Puiforcat, Georg Jensen and Swarovski. His work is in the collections of MoMa (New York), Centre Georges Pompidou (Paris), Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Victoria and Albert Museum (London), and other museums. and is represented by Carpenters Workshop Gallery.

Dates : 6th May - 21st May 2023 13:00-18:00, Closed : Tue & Wed
Place : LICHT 3-18-10 Aobadai, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 2F