Ayno Exhibition
Stefan Diez

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この度デザインギャラリーLichtでは、ドイツのデザイナーStefan Diez(ステファン・ディーツ)による照明器具、Aynoの展示受注会を行います。



Stefan Diez(ステファン・ディーツ)は、ドイツを拠点とするデザイナー。家具職人の家系に生まれる。2002年、シュトゥットガルト州立芸術アカデミーを卒業、リチャード・ザッパーやコンスタンティン・グルチッチのスタジオで経験を積んだ後、ミュンヘンにてスタジオ「DIEZ OFFICE」を設立する。循環型経済の達成を掲げ、環境や社会的責任に対して最新の技術をもってアプローチし、国際的なメーカーから多くのプロダクトを発表している。

会期 : 2023年7月22日(土) - 7月30日(日) 13:00 - 18:00 火水定休

会場 : LICHT 東京都目黒区青葉台3-18-10 2F

Ayno by Stefan Diez Exhibition

Stefan Diez has created many fascinating products that utilize the latest technologies and materials while pursuing the social responsibility of design, and Ayno, designed in accordance with Midgard's 10 guidelines for achieving a circular economy, is unique in its bold mechanism and in the thoughtful details that enhance delivery efficiency, maintainability, and functionality, making it an important product for future design.

In addition to the main lighting, other products by Stefan, such as sofas and tableware, will also be exhibited. We hope you will take this opportunity to visit the exhibition.

Stefan Diez is a designer based in Germany. After graduating from the Stuttgart State Academy of Fine Arts in 2002, he worked in the studios of Richard Zapper and Konstantin Grcic before founding his own studio, DIEZ OFFICE, in Munich. He is committed to the achievement of a circular economy and approach environmental and social responsibility with the latest technology, Being collaborated with international manufacturers.

Exhibition Dates : July 22 (Sat) - July 30 (Sun), 2023 13:00 - 18:00 Closed on Tue and Wed

Venue : LICHT 2F, 3-18-10 Aobadai, Meguro-ku, Tokyo