Gentle Observations vol.12
Atsushi Okahashi

English Text
Atsushi Okahashi

Paradoxical Mindset / パラドックス的思考

先週、ニュースレター『Dense Discovery』で紹介されていた「オランダはストリートデザインをどう解決したか(How the Dutch Solved Street Design)」という解説動画を見たのだが、それがとても面白かった。







スローメディア『Lobsterr』を運営するLobsterr Publising共同創業者。ニュースレターやPodcast、コマース、コミュニティなど多様なフォーマットを横断するメディアの形を模索している。

Last week, I watched an interesting explanatory video How the Dutch Solved Street Design, featured in the latest issue of the newsletter Dense Discovery.

Over the years, cars have become bigger and heavier. As we have more cars on the road, the streets are getting more congested and dangerous for pedestrians and cyclists. In the US, the number of pedestrian deaths caused by cars has reached a 40-year high. Although the issue of car bloat, a contemporary phenomenon of cars getting larger in size and heavier in weight, is often the focus of attention, many of these accidents could be prevented by street design that allows cars, pedestrians and cyclists to co-exist.

The video explains the underlying traffic engineering and urban planning concepts, using a case study of Dutch street design that has succeeded in doing exactly that. One of which is a concept known as the Downs-Thomson paradox. It’s a phenomenon where an expansion and improvement of the road network to combat car congestion in cities can lead more people to drive their cars, resulting in more traffic rather than less and worsening the problem it intended to solve. Until alternative means of transport (such as public transport, walking or cycling) become as fast or faster than cars in travelling from point A to point B, car traffic is believed to increase without limit according to the theory.

It may seem counter-intuitive, but to reduce congestion and make roads safer, it makes more sense to invest in public transport and infrastructure that are safe for pedestrians and cyclists, rather than in more roads for cars. The end result is that it benefits all the citizens in the city, including those who drive cars.

This kind of paradoxical thinking, which seems contradictory at first glance but holds true, is not limited to complex issues like urban planning. It also gives us new perspectives when designing something, hints on ways to improve our daily lives. Sometimes it may even have the effect of lightening our hearts.

In reflection, I realised that many of my favourite quotes also contain a piece of paradoxical thinking. For example, I find these words by paediatrician and University of Tokyo associate professor Shinichiro Kumagai inspiring; “Independence is not a situation where you are not dependent on anything, but rather a situation where you have a number of dependencies”. Entrepreneur and Kurmido Coffee owner Tomoaki Kageyama has also expressed an insightful view in his book called Yukkuri Isoge (Festina lente in Japanese); “Call and Response - a response can't exist without a call, but a call also needs a response”

After all, our lives are surrounded by many paradoxes. I would like to keep myself open-minded towards apparently contradicting matters to discover the background and what might be hidden beyond them.

Atsushi Okahashi
Co-founder of Lobsterr Publishing