English Text

Live, Learn, Pray / 住む、学ぶ、祈る






1991年生まれ。幼少期から学生時代をアメリカ、日本、タイで過ごす。慶應義塾大学政策メディア研究科修了後、建築設計事務所に勤務。2020年から自身の家具ブランドBallを開始。2023年9月からオランダ・アイントホーフェンのDesign Academy Eindhoven Master Contextual Designプログラムに入学。居心地をつくる新しい造形を模索している。

@Jun Fujisaku

Without even a moment to catch my breath after the final presentation of my first year of graduate school, I was packing at breakneck speed for the Le Corbusier architecture tour in the south of France, which began the next day. Leaving the sense of accomplishment and fulfillment behind in my messy room, I headed for Eindhoven Airport. This time, I was to accompany a couple who had helped me in Tokyo on their trip, which started at the Unite d'Habitation housing complex in Marseille and ended with a car tour of Sainte Marie de La Tourette in the suburbs of Lyon and a chapel in Ronchamp, before finally disbanding in Paris. Sainte Marie de La Tourette still functions as a monastery, but we were able to stay in a vacant monks' cell and see the architecture for three days.

A familiar large mass of concrete suddenly appeared in the countryside about a four-hour drive from Marseille. I was a little worried because it was the first time for me to stay at a monastery, but I was relieved when I was kindly welcomed by the lady at the reception desk. Corbusier divided the building into three main sections: 1st the church for spiritual life on the north side, 2nd the library, counselor's office, and dining room for spending time with other monks and studying on the first and second floors, which is called the intellectual life, and 3rd the monks' cells for private life and communal showers and toilets on the third floor. When we were there, about 10 monks were actually living there, and we had to be quiet in the building so as not to disturb them. After listening to the explanation, we headed to the monks' cells to drop off our luggage. The room was a single room with a single bed, a partition cabinet, a desk, and a washbasin. The room was not large, but the curtains, door, and door frame were all painted in different primary colors, so it did not feel cramped. When the long and narrow door facing the veranda and the corridor was opened, a screen door was installed, through which a breeze passed and sounds from outside leaked in, allowing us to feel the presence of nature even though we were indoors.

Three times a day, morning, noon, and night, the monks held a liturgy of the hours in the cathedral, which could be observed freely. To reach the chapel, we passes through the atrium, the brightest glass-walled space in the building, and then through a corridor with a glass wall that is divided vertically on one side by an irregular rhythm. In the corridor, the density of light and shadow alternately pass in waves, and a gentle descent sucks the body into a small, shoulder-width-thick doorway in a part of the cathedral's massive iron door.

The cathedral is a huge box-like concrete structure, and once inside, you suddenly feel thrown into a large dark space. The few lights that entered the box seemed to have been assigned a specific function: one to illuminate the Bible held by the monks, another to illuminate the altar. The thin cross was fixed on the ground next to the altar in the center of the building, giving it a plain impression, but I was surprised when I noticed that during evening prayer time, a lighting hidden under the bench in front of the cross illuminated it and cast a large shadow of the cross on the wall behind it. The concrete box echoed the monks' singing to an unusual degree, making the hymns seem even more mystical. Everything about this building functioned as a device to produce the light, sound, and wind that Corbusier considered necessary for monastic life.

What I felt after spending so much time in Le Corbusier's architecture on this trip was that it was a primitive way of devising ways to make human life rich and beautiful, a richness that is not dependent on the latest technology, although it is a blessing of the beautiful climate. Returning to Paris to say goodbye to the couple, I returned to Eindhoven with a sense of gratitude for the invitation to participate in this trip, and headed off on my next journey around Scandinavia.

Jun Fujisaku
Born in 1991. Spent childhood and school years in the US, Japan, and Thailand. After completing master’s degree at Keio University Graduate School of Media and Governance, worked for an architectural design firm. Started own furniture brand, Ball in 2020. Enrolled in the Design Academy Eindhoven Master Contextual Design program from September 2023. Seeking a new form to create a comfortableness.

@Jun Fujisaku