噴水、装飾、ローストポーク / Fountain, Ornament, Roast pork
アイントホーフェンでの大学院2年目が始まった。学校では多くの学生が休暇から帰ってきた友人との再会に喜びながらゆるりと勉学モードへと移り変わっていく中、自分たちContextual Designコースのクラスメートたちは9月末に行われるウィーンのデザインウィークに向けて制作作業で追い込まれていた。ウィーン出身のクラスメートの一人が音頭を取り学校と交渉を進めながらクラス全員で作品を制作しデザインウィークで展示することが決まったのが5月くらいだったが、夏季休暇中はそれぞれ違う場所におり学校の工房も使えないため、新学期とともに全員があわてて制作しはじめた。
25人のデザイナーが一緒に一つの作品を作るという大変なプロジェクトであった。多様なバックグラウンドのデザイナーがそれぞれの違いを活かし学び合いながら協力するための形式として噴水が選ばれた。2から3人で1グループとなり、それぞれが水というテーマから出発した噴水の顔を制作し、合計10個の顔が集結して一つの噴水を作り上げる。水が異なるコンテクストを緩やかにつなぎながら流れ着いた先で一つになるという作品である。会期の5日前に全て揃った噴水はクレートに収められ車で先に会場へと運ばれていった。デザインウィークの会期中はContextual Designコースでは授業が休みとなっていることから1年目の新入生たちも校外学習としてウィーンに来ており、彼らと初めてちゃんと交流する機会となりとても良かった。自分自身も初めてのウィーンであった。
1991年生まれ。幼少期から学生時代をアメリカ、日本、タイで過ごす。慶應義塾大学政策メディア研究科修了後、建築設計事務所に勤務。2020年から自身の家具ブランドBallを開始。2023年9月からオランダ・アイントホーフェンのDesign Academy Eindhoven Master Contextual Designプログラムに入学。居心地をつくる新しい造形を模索している。
@Jun Fujisaku
My second year of Master in Eindhoven has begun. While many students at the school were rejoicing at the reunion with friends who had returned from their holidays and were slowly shifting into study mode, my classmates in the Contextual Design course were busy working on their projects for the Vienna Design Week at the end of September. It was around May when one of our classmates from Vienna took the lead in negotiating with the school and it was decided that the whole class would work together to create a piece to be exhibited at the design week, but since we were all in different places during the summer holidays and unable to use the school's workshop, we all started working on it in a rush when the new term started.
It was a huge project to have 25 designers work together to create a single piece. The fountain was chosen as a format for designers from diverse backgrounds to work together, learning from each other and making the most of their differences. Groups of two or three people each created a face for the fountain, starting from the theme of water, and the ten faces were brought together to create a single fountain. The work is about water flowing together in different contexts, gradually connecting them and coming together at the end. The fountains were all assembled five days before the exhibition, and then placed in crates and transported to the venue by car.As the Contextual Design course was not running during Design Week, the first-year students were also in Vienna for an off-campus trip, so it was a great opportunity to properly interact with them for the first time. It was also my first time in Vienna.
From the train window on the way from the airport to the city center, I saw the landscape of the industrial area, which was different from the cultural image I had in my mind, and I was surprised. However, when I arrived at the city center, I felt the splendor of the city, surrounded by buildings of various architectural styles. In particular, I was captivated by the beauty of the architecture, interiors, furniture, and everyday items designed by the Secession, an art movement that emerged in Vienna at the end of the 19th century, and the Wiener Werkstätte that followed it. I felt that the designs, which were both functional and rational in their use of materials, were also modern in their decorative nature.At Design Week, many of the Viennese designers used industrial materials, but they also incorporated decoration and patterns to create a sense of glamour, and the scenery seen from the train window and the decorative nature of Vienna seemed to overlap.
This time I was only able to stay for one week, but in addition to Design Week, there were many other museums and palaces worth seeing, and I was unable to attend the classical concerts. On the last day, I had dinner with the group who had create the face of the fountain for this exhibition together, and the roast pork called Schweinsbraten and the slightly sparkling grape juice called Sturm that we drank were so delicious that I felt I needed to come back to Vienna again.
Jun Fujisaku
Born in 1991. Spent childhood and school years in the US, Japan, and Thailand. After completing master’s degree at Keio University Graduate School of Media and Governance, worked for an architectural design firm. Started own furniture brand, Ball in 2020. Enrolled in the Design Academy Eindhoven Master Contextual Design program from September 2023. Seeking a new form to create a comfortableness.
@Jun Fujisaku