Kgotla, Cosmotechnics, Ultra Soul / コトラ、宇宙技芸、ウルトラソウル
日が暮れると窓の外から爆竹の音が聞こえ始める時期になった。暖かいお茶をすすりながら年末の風物詩的に爆竹を捉えられるようになった頃、研究者、ランドスケープアーキテクトそして都市デザイナーとして活動するLesego Bantshengによるワークショップが大学院で行われた。
ワークショップのタイトルはKgotla Cosmotechnicsであった。どちらの言葉も知らなかった。事前に送られてきた資料に目を通すがすごく難しい。自分が理解したのはKgotla(コトラ)とはアフリカ南部のツワナ族で用いられている集落内の紛争調整システムである。具体的には木でできた反円型の囲いの中で集会を開き、紛争の解決や意思決定といった問題を公開討論と合意形成によって集落全体が受け入れられる解決策を導き出す取り組みである。
そしてCosmotechnics(宇宙技芸)とは哲学者のYuk Huiが提唱した理念で、技術を単なる道具としてではなく、それぞれの文化や世界の捉え方と結びついたものとする考え方である。例えば西洋の最新技術を用いたインフラ整備に対してアフリカの伝統的な土着技術には持続可能性が備わっているように、西洋の技術が万能ではなく、多様な技術のあり方を認め、それぞれの文化や歴史に根ざした技術の発展のあり方があるという考えである。
1991年生まれ。幼少期から学生時代をアメリカ、日本、タイで過ごす。慶應義塾大学政策メディア研究科修了後、建築設計事務所に勤務。2020年から自身の家具ブランドBallを開始。2023年9月からオランダ・アイントホーフェンのDesign Academy Eindhoven Master Contextual Designプログラムに入学。居心地をつくる新しい造形を模索している。
@Jun Fujisaku
It was the time of year when the sound of firecrackers could be heard outside the window as the sun went down. As I was sipping warm tea and enjoying the traditional end-of-year firecrackers, a workshop was held at the school by Lesego Bantsheng, who works as a researcher, landscape architect and urban designer.
The workshop was called Kgotla Cosmotechnics. I didn't know either of the words. I looked through the documents that had been sent to me in advance, but they were really difficult to understand. What I understood was that Kgotla is a conflict resolution system used by the Tswana people in southern Africa. Specifically, it is a system in which the entire village comes together to resolve disputes and make decisions through public discussion and consensus building, holding meetings in a semicircular enclosure made of wood.
Cosmotechnics is a concept proposed by the philosopher Yuk Hui, and it is a way of thinking that sees technology not as a mere tool, but as something that is linked to each culture and way of perceiving the world. For example, while the latest Western technology is used to develop infrastructure, traditional indigenous African technology is sustainable. This concept recognizes that Western technology is not all-powerful, and that there are ways of developing technology that are rooted in each culture and history, and that there are various ways of using technology.
In the end, the aim of this workshop was to find a methodology for expressing Cosmotechnics as a group by expressing each person's own idea of technology and examples of Cosmotechnics using clay, and incorporating multiple criteria through observation and dialogue, as is done in a Kgotla. It is not easy to realize that the values we take for granted are based on Western standards, and to break free from those values. However, using clay as a medium helped me to think in a more objective way by gradually preserving and sharing my thoughts in a tangible form, and by repeating the process of dialogue.
I spent the New Year's holiday in Japan this year. I was reunited with friends and people who had been kind to me, and the time passed by in the blink of an eye as I filled in the checklist of things to buy and eat in Japan that I had made in advance. I was also able to attend the set-up of a friend's exhibition for which I had designed the venue, and I was able to see the opening safely, making it a fulfilling time back in Japan. It had been a year and a half since I had been to Japan, but I was surprised to find that I had returned to my everyday life in Japan, riding the train without any sense of discomfort. It felt as if I had never left Japan, and it was as if my time in the Netherlands had been a dream. Perhaps this was because of the contrast with the new and stimulating environment and learning I was experiencing in the Netherlands. My valuable time as a graduate student is now down to less than six months. I thought I would make good use of my time by absorbing what I could learn while treasuring the time I spent with my favorite classmates, and making sure to use it to my advantage in my future activities.
When I changed the TV channel to the Red and White Japanese Singing Festival, B’z(Japanese rock band) were singing “Ultra Soul”(one of their passionate hits). After that, the Guinness World Record for consecutive success in playing Kendama(Japanese juggling toy) was also broken. I felt as if I was being encouraged by them.
Jun Fujisaku
Born in 1991. Spent childhood and school years in the US, Japan, and Thailand. After completing master’s degree at Keio University Graduate School of Media and Governance, worked for an architectural design firm. Started own furniture brand, Ball in 2020. Enrolled in the Design Academy Eindhoven Master Contextual Design program from September 2023. Seeking a new form to create a comfortableness.
@Jun Fujisaku