Banksy Welcome Mat - Banksy

English Text

グラフィティを表現手段とする者の常として本名や素性を明かしてはいないが、Banksyは今や世界で最も著名なアーティストのひとりだろう。2020年から国内を巡回中の「天才か反逆者か」という展覧会のタイトルは、世の中に広まった彼のイメージを端的に表している。アートシーンの内外からの注目度の大きさは天才を思わせるし、従来のシステムに収まらない活動は反逆者のようにも見える。しかし、Banksyが天才なのか? または反逆者なのか? という問いかけは、彼の創造性の実体をかえってつかみにくくしている気もする。



イギリスの難民支援団体「Love Welcomes」とコラボレーションした玄関マットは、2019年にロンドンでオープンしたBanksyの公式ショップ「Gross Domestic Product」で初めて発表された。シリアルナンバーつきだがリミテッドエディション作品ではなく、Love Welcomesのウェイティングリストに登録して購入する仕組みで、すべての収益がこの団体に寄付される。アフリカから危険を冒して船でヨーロッパを目指す難民は多く、毎年数千人がその過程で亡くなっているという。このマットは、ギリシャの海岸に打ち上げられた救命ジャケットを素材に使い、難民キャンプに住む女性たちが手づくりする。蛍光オレンジのヴィヴィッドな色合いは、この素材ならではのもの。玄関マットの定番である「ウェルカム」という言葉が、きわめて深刻な意味を伴っている。

土田貴宏 / ライター、デザインジャーナリスト


The title of his exhibition, "Genius or Rebel," which will be touring the country from 2020, is a clear indication of the image that has become widespread. The amount of attention he has received from both inside and outside the art scene suggests a genius, while his activities that do not fit into the conventional system suggest a rebel. But is Banksy a genius? Or is he a rebel? However, the question of whether Banksy is a genius or a rebel makes it difficult to grasp the substance of his creativity.

From the beginning to the present, much of Banksy's work has been consistently based on a kind of humanitarianism. The social nature of his work is often thought of as a spice in his comical style, but in fact the opposite is probably true: raising social issues is what he is about. At the very least, it makes it much easier to understand Banksy's originality. War, discrimination, poverty, refugees, environmental issues, commercialism, hegemony, and political corruption are just a few of the many social themes he addresses. The essence of his work lies in the way he vividly brings them to light through a single, simple yet impactful image. This is why he is considered an activist as well as an artist.

Banksy argues that advertising, in which capitalists deface the landscape in pursuit of profit, is far more sinful than graffiti, which originates from the will of the individual. Banksy argues that advertising, in which capitalists deface the landscape in pursuit of profit, is far more sinful than graffiti, which originates from individual will. As he became more famous, he expanded his expression to museums, movies, theme parks, hotels, and many other venues, involving more and more people from different regions and classes. His guerrilla-like activities, destruction of auctioned works, and other controversial schemes can be placed along these lines.

The entrance mat in collaboration with Love Welcomes, a refugee support organization in the UK, was first presented at Banksy's official store, Gross Domestic Product, which opened in London in 2019. It is not a limited edition piece, although it is serial numbered, and is purchased by registering on the Love Welcomes waiting list, with all proceeds going to the organization. Many refugees from Africa risk their lives to reach Europe by boat, and thousands of people die in the process every year. The mats are handmade by women living in refugee camps, using life-saving jackets washed up on the shores of Greece as materials. The vivid shade of fluorescent orange is unique to this material. The word "welcome," which is a standard for entrance mats, is accompanied by a very serious meaning.

Takahiro Tsuchida / Writer, Design Journalist
Born in Hokkaido in 1970, Tsuchida has been working freelance since 2001. Based on interviews and research in Japan and abroad, he contributes to various media including design magazines.