Ilmm Design Journal #0 Spring 2024

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世界を見回すと、年1回または2回ほどのペースで出版される、デザインやインテリアを扱う雑誌におもしろいものが増えている。たとえばデンマークの『Ark Journal』は、その代表だろう。近年、デジタルメディアの隆盛とともに既存の雑誌が読まれなくなってきた一方で、消費されにくい情報にフォーカしたスローな紙のメディアがあらためて存在感を増しているのはとても興味深い。2024年4月に発売されたデザインジャーナル『Ilmm #0』は、こうしたムーブメントに対する日本からのアンサーと言えるものだ。



Featuring : Formafantasma, Sabine Marcelis & Paul Cournet, Konstantin Grcic, Cecilie Manz, Gonzalez Haase AAS, Overtreders W, NM3, Cure.tain, Giustini / Stagetti, FLOOAT, 三澤遥, 藤崎圭一郎, 井手裕介


Looking around the world, there are an increasing number of interesting design and interior design magazines that are published once or twice a year. The Danish Ark Journal, for example, is a representative of this trend. The design journal Ilmm #0, released in April 2024, is a Japanese answer to this movement. It is an answer from Japan to this movement.

The lineup is unique in that it reflects the unique perspective of the editorial team, including designers such as Konstantin Grcic and Sabine Marcelis, who are also handled by LICHT; designers who are popular in Japan, such as Formafantasma and Cecilie Manz; and designers who will likely gain recognition in the future, such as Gonzalez Haase AAS. The lineup is unique in that it reflects the unique perspectives of the editorial team. Many of the articles are full-length (10 to 20 pages or more), with ample text (all in Japanese) and rich visuals. The contributors and photographers are also well-known. The in-depth coverage of individual themes is of great documentary value. The innovative art direction will keep you turning the pages.

Published twice a year, Ilmm covers a wide range of design, including product, interior, architecture, and graphic design. However, even though it covers a wide range of design, these designs are all inseparable from beautiful expressiveness. The stance of valuing the appeal of such visible designs also invites sympathy. From "#0," which is the starting point itself, "#1" and "#2" are sure to increase the level of perfection, and we look forward to their future development.

Featuring : Formafantasma, Sabine Marcelis & Paul Cournet, Konstantin Grcic, Cecilie Manz, Gonzalez Haase AAS, Overtreders W, NM3, Cure.tain, Giustini / Stagetti, FLOOAT, Haruka Misawa, Keiichiro Fujisaki, Yusuke Ide

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Flooat.Inc / Japan / Biannual / Text in Japanese
